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Teacher Leader Endorsement

The Teacher Leadership graduate certificate is designed for New Jersey teachers who want to make a difference: within and beyond their classrooms. Modeled on the national Teacher Leader Model Standards, our interactive and challenging curriculum cultivates the interpersonal and innovative practices that contribute to dynamic educational leadership. Through an integrated series of five courses (15 credits), TCNJ’s program leads to the NJ Teacher Leader endorsement and non-supervisory roles such as instructional or data coach, team leader, mentor, or facilitator of professional learning.

General Information:

  • All courses are on line
  • Cost for each course is $1803.00 – very competitive cost as compared to similar higher education programs in New Jersey
  • Title II funds from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for professional development activities that build capacity for teacher leadership are accepted. Inquire with your school district.
  • Apply now:

Program Highlights:

  • School district based cohorts and individual enrollment are available.
  • Courses available during the fall, spring, or summer TCNJ terms.
  • Multiple course option delivery – partially or fully online and scheduled to accommodate working professionals.
  • Flexible enrollment allows for completing the program in 12 to 15 months.
  • 9 credits can also be applied to TCNJ’s Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership

Course Descriptions:

Group Dynamics for Educational Leaders*
Investigate the intrapersonal and interpersonal skills essential for developing school cultures and climates that optimize the success of all members of the school community.

Leadership for Social Justice*
Examine social norms and develop a better understanding of how to create equitable educational opportunities for all students.

Instructional Leadership
Explore compelling and emerging topics to develop the skills, expertise, and knowledge that address the learning needs of 21st Century students.

Facilitating Professional Development
Understand how to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning that leads to meaningful instructional improvement.

Introduction to Research and Data-Based Decision Making*
Learn to conduct continuous collaborative inquiry while becoming a critical consumer of research.
*These courses can also be applied to TCNJ’s Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership

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For questions about course content and schedule please contact:
Linda Mayger, Assistant Professor-Educational Leadership Coordinator

For questions regarding cohorts, course fees, registration etc. please contact:
Megan Gordon, Assistant Director, Off-Site Graduate Programs

Apply Now

Learn how the Hamilton Township School District partnered with Dr. Linda K. Mayger to offer the program to school district teachers: TCNJ – Hamilton Partnership.

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